速報APP / 教育 / Baby Babble LITE

Baby Babble LITE



檔案大小:5.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 2.2.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Baby Babble LITE(圖1)-速報App

► FREE: Get your baby fix with the ever so cute "Baby Babble" player. Interact & play with baby and watch & listen to him babble to over 80+ sounds, in the cutest real-time animation.

► Go PRO & audio RECORD your own Babbles, plus access all 160+ sounds!


Touch his face, hands, feet, face & tummy to see & hear how he reacts in different ways. Press the toy in his hand & watch him go crazy over the many fun sounds it makes.

Using special voice pitch technology, see baby sweet pea’s mouth, eyes, face & tiny arms & feet move in sync with whatever he babbles.

There’s also an optional "Baby Toons’ track to add to the fun. You & your kids will be kept smiling, by just how cute he can be.

How about RECORDING* the audio of your own baby’s babbling?

Baby Babble LITE(圖2)-速報App

Go PRO and you can! With "Baby Babble" inbuilt record* feature, iPhone owners have the extra ability to audio record whatever you want for baby to say back!

"I love to play :)"



✓ 80+ Sound FX,

✓ No record functionality,

✓ AdMob advertising.

Baby Babble LITE(圖3)-速報App



✓ All 160+ Sound FX,

✓ Record functionality, so you can record your own voice and have baby say it back,

✓ NO AdMob advertising.


Please note*: The iPhone has a built in microphone as standard, whereas the iPod Touch does not. The iPod Touch therefore requires a 3rd party microphone accessory in order to use the "Baby Babble" record functionality. Record functionality is only available in the PRO version.

Baby Babble LITE(圖4)-速報App

A microphone is not required for all other features of "Baby Babble".


From the makers of Galactic FX, Amazing X-Ray FX², Food Additives & KungFu FX.

Baby Babble LITE(圖5)-速報App
